How great would it be to be able to teach your dog some tricks to both amaze and entertain your family and friends? I would be willing to bet that even you will be amazed by just how smart your dog is.
Your dog is capable of learning and doing so much, through tricks training you can see just how smart they are.
Tricks are used to improve your relationship with your dog, they can give confidence to a shy dog, they are even good for teaching your dog to help you with tasks. The helpfulness of tricks is endless. Imagine your dog helping you pick something up that you have dropped, your keys maybe? Or maybe they go get their own leash for a walk. What if your dog could jump into yours arms or push a ball into a basket? Teaching your dog tricks is fun for both you and your canine companion. Tricks are easy to teach and master, what trick would you like to teach?
VIP Dog Sports is a “Do More with Your Dog” Training Center for tricks. We have a certified Do More with Your Dog instructor who is a CTDI (Certified Trick Dog Instructor), as well as a Certified Stunt Dog Judge through Do More with Your Dog.
We also have a certified CCC (Canine Condition Coach) to help with those conditioning and flexibility exercises that will help keep your dog playing for many years.
If you are not familiar with DMWYD, click on the link